January 21, 2022

Slack integration improvements and Giphy support

Slack integration improvements

Our slack integration has gotten three major new features. We hope you like them!

Shortcut for creating new work items

You can now create a work item from any message in Slack using the new “Create work item” shortcut. It automatically includes the full message, including any image or video attachments and also provides an easy way to get back to the full Slack conversation via an activity.


Support for the Kitemaker bot in private channels

The Kitemaker bot watches for mentions of work items in any channel it’s in and automatically creates a two-way link between Slack conversations and any mentioned work items. This previously only worked in public channels, but now we have full support for private channels as well.

Please note: to take advantage of this feature, you’ll need to reauthorize the Kitemaker app in Slack. To do this, open the Slack integration in Kitemaker (cmd/ctrl+k → Manage integrations → Slack) and click “Reauthorize”.

Support for images and videos in activities

If a message that mentions a Kitemaker work item contains images, videos or other file attachments, those attachments will now show up in the activity in Kitemaker.


Please note: similar to the private channel feature above, this feature requires reauthorizing the Kitemaker Slack integration.


A discussion really isn’t a discussion unless there are gifs to along with it. To that end, we now support adding Giphy blocks to descriptions and comments 😀


Just press space when the Giphy has focus to cycle through different gif options.

Contacting us

We're always happy to hear any feedback you have. To reach us, you can:


Lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes this time around too!

  • New app icon and favicon!
  • Fix a bug where attachments would not be imported when cards are imported from Trello. Also improve the text formatting of cards that are imported.
  • Fix a bug where sometimes image attachments would only show up for the user that uploaded them
  • Fix a bug where descriptions of some archived work items didn’t load
  • Fix scrolling on the work item archive screen
  • Handle non-latin-1 characters in space names
  • Truncate super long commit messages from the GitHub and GitLab integrations
  • Ensure emoji shortcuts (e.g. :p) work at the end of comments
  • Fix embedding of Figma links to full pages
  • Reorder the hotkeys for impact/effort t-shirt sizes
  • Make the list of themes at the top of the work item board scrollable if there are too many of them
  • Improve the sorting of themes in the “theme picker” when adding themes to work items
  • Fix a bug where the /timestamp shortcut could accidentally delete some characters
  • Make the work item screen behave better when the width is very small
  • Save the status name when the input is blurred
  • Improve copy/paste in Safari
  • Make it possible to edit Theme titles directly in the roadmap board